"Some people are heroes. And some people jot down notes." Terry Pratchett - The Truth
Ek dink die hele gesprek "godsdiens vs wetenskap" is so laas millennium.
"There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it." - Mary Wilson Little
Dorothy vra, ons reageer. En ek gaan eerlik wees, want ek is wragtag nie skaam nie.
9 van bogenoemde items gebruik ek gereeld.
Die kamera se batterye is pap. Moenie bekommerd wees nie, Lily kom nog!
Do Kwang wil graag weet van Blogger Beta.
Enige skuif na enige iets nuuts is altyd effens irriterend, aangesien jy moet gewoond raak aan nuwe knoppies op nuwe plekke. Is hierdie skuif die moeite werd? Aangesien ek per ongeluk geskuif het, kan ek nog nie s^e nie. Tans irriteer dit my net. Dalk kan Pienk Zuit vertel van sy ervaringe?
Dis my bydrae vir hierdie week tot die welstand van die mensdom.
Daar is 'n lyn van sosiale aanvaarbaarheid (nie 'n tou nie), 'n onsigbare lyn van wat jy mag sê en doen... en wat nie.
Wat ek vir my verjaardag gekry het:
"Zoology, eh? That's a big word, isn't it?" "No, actually it isn't," said Tiffany. "Patronizing is a big word. Zoology is really quite short."
Scorpions are known for their intense and powerful natures. They are willful, proud and calm with an electrifying undercurrent of seething intensity. Their demeanor is dignified and reserved, affable and courteous, and many have a gaze that is both direct and penetrating. Their secretive natures make them natural detectives. Many Scorpios possess a suspicious outlook, and need to know the reasons behind everything. Their sensitivity, and pride allow them to be easily hurt, quick to feel insult or injury, even when none is intended, and easily roused to heights of anger. An angry Scorpio is a sight to see. When they harness their abundant energy constructively, their self-confidence tempered with shrewdness, and their ambition coupled with generosity toward others, they excel at whatever they undertake. No middle ground for a Scorpio, all or nothing. They are serious folk, but quite charming to people they like, and when social events call for it. Their tragic flaw is their immense pride. Once wronged, once Scorpio's pride has been diminished, the game of courtesy is over.
Isaac Newton, Hans Christian Andersen, Immanuel Kant and Lewis Carrol all died virgins.
During the Middle Ages a popular type of shoe was the 'poulaine'. These had enormously long pointed toes that were often stuffed with moss to stiffen them. Apparently one of the attractions of wearing poulaines was the variation on 'footsie' you could play under the table. It's said that men often wore them to banquets so they could stick them under the dress of a woman sitting opposite and tickle her between the legs.
In 1993 a Hereford man was given eighteen months for having sex with the pavement. Two years later he was put on three years' probation for simulating public sex with a bin liner.
Ek weet regtig nie hoe om te reageer as 'n broeder trots vir my vertel dat hy lid is van die Afrikanerbond (néé Broederbond) nie. Is dit nou ewe skielik 'n goeie ding? Moet ek nou dat hulle 'n website het, hulle nie meer verag nie? Het ek werklik enige goeie rede om hulle wel te verag?