Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kerk by jou werk

Ek is 'n aanhanger van die sg "Alt.worship" beweging, wat in Europa uit die Rave-kultuur en in Australië uit die Coffee Shop kultuur ontstaan het. Tyd sal nog leer hoe dit in Afrika gaan lyk.
Intussen kan jy 'n draai gaan maak by die online labyrinth.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

O die wysie

Elke keer wat ek hoor

De la Rey, De la Rey
sal jy die boere kom lei
De la Rey, De la Rey

Hoor ek in my agterkop (en sing ek daarna)

Kabeljou Kabelmy
Kabel sal-jy-met-my-vry
Kabelmy Kabeljou
Kabel sal-jy-met-my-trou

Ek wonder of Koos sal omgee?

Monday, January 29, 2007


Ek kry tot vandag toe nog koue rillings net van die prentjie.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Bek + Jêm

Ek is nie 'n Insig fan nie. Voel vir my te veel na 'n mondstuk vir die angs van die neo-konserwatiewe Afrikaners wat hulself sien as tog, o, só liberaal.*

Do Kwang het my egter geïnspireer om weer 'n uitgawe van dié tydskrif te lees.

Sommer op bladsy 9 al het my tone gekrul van lekkerkry terwyl ek kliphard lag. Respek vir die redakteur en haar moed om "Joe se seepkis" te plaas.

My gunsteling:
"As ek president van hierdie land was... sou ek weer die doodstraf instel, maar slegs vir witmense (hulle wil dit mos graag terughê). "

*Waarmee ek niks sê oor die joernaliste wat vir die Insig skryf nie, eerder oor (my persepsie van) die "target market". Ek hou van joernaliste. Van my beste vriende is joernaliste.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy un-birthday to meeeeee!

Gister in die pos gekom:

Ek HAAT spinnekoppe.

Spiderman: "You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility."

Dankie Adam.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Het jy geweet...

Mense wat ander aanvaar, is aanvaardend, nie aanvarend nie. Aanvarend is 'n skip wat aangevaar kom.
Aanvallend is iemand wat skoorsoek oor nonsens.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Ene Dirkie Smit sê dat daar 7 verse in die Bybel is oor homoseksualiteit, terwyl bykans elke bladsy van die Bybel praat oor ekonomiese geregtigheid. So waarom is daar nie massa-histerie oor ekonomiese onreg nie?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ek dink hierdie ou is ernstig...

Jy kan ook jou waaier se verkoelingskrag vermeerder met gepatenteerde yspakkies!
Jou eie frostyfanpack!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Maeree kan ook diep wees.

Okay, ek is dalk te dom om subtekste waar te neem, maar ek ken 'n goeie illusie as ek dit sien:

So wê.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We hate blogger beta!

Today I am unable to comment on blogs using the old blogger. Wordpress is calling my name. (I am posting in English in the hope that Blogger monitors blogs for the words "blogger beta", so that they can read this and FIX IT! Or at least enable us to return to the "old blogger".)
In unrelated news, have you donated yet?

Monday, January 08, 2007


"The economic crisis in Zimbabwe dictates that ordinary women are unable to afford basic sanitary protection.

With inflation topping 1000%, a pack of sanitary pads costs £6. Currently the average monthly wage stands at £12 with a startling 80% of the population unemployed. Faced with such economic adversity, manufacturers of sanitary products have fled Zimbabwe, compounding the shortages.

As a consequence, millions of Zimbabwean women are forced to replace tampons with newspapers and dirty rags, a practice which has led to vaginal infections for which there is no available medication. Moreover, these medical infections are often falsely attributed to sexually transmitted infections leading to social embarrassment and domestic violence.

Quite apart from the serious health issues, the lack of sanitary products has far reaching implications. Families suffer from increased poverty as mothers and wives are unable to work when they have their periods. This means that they are unable to buy food and clothes or finance their children’s education. In addition girls are forced to take time off school, further jeopardising their education.

Millions of women and girls across Zimbabwe face unnecessary suffering and hardship, ACTSA campaigns to ensure that these women are afforded their most basic human rights.

ACTSA was able to gain the support of South African radio station 5FM, who by means of a listener drive raised a phenomenal 1 million donated products for the campaign. These products were loaded onto trucks with the intention of crossing the boarder into Zimbabwe for distribution to those women in greatest need. Disappointingly, the Zimbabwean government reneged on its original promise to waive import duties, delaying delivery of the products considerably and ultimately forcing ACTSA to pay duties of US$23,000.

To avoid this issue in the future ACTSA has established a partnership with the one existing manufacturer in Harare. Now products can be distributed without import cost whilst helping industry and local people. ACTA has recently purchased 40,000 sanitary products that have been distributed through the ZCTU to the most vulnerable women in Zimbabwe.

As the crisis continues ACTSA stands by its commitment to reclaim the dignity of those Zimbabwean women who are suffering physically and emotionally. To achieve this it is vital that ACTSA continues to generate awareness and raise funds to supply more sanitary products to these women."

Gee sommer vandag nog geld en moedig almal wat jy ken aan om dieselfde te doen.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Heppy Heppy

Freddy sê hy dink nie 2007 gaan nuut voel nie.
Aangesien Januarie egter vernoem is na die god-met-twee-gesigte, Janus, en daarom vol is van nostalgie en hoop, kan 'n mens sekerlik van die geleentheid gebruik maak om jou wense vir die komende jaar uit te spreek.
  • Ek hoop om in 2007 goed te wees vir myself.
  • Ek hoop om in 2007 nog meer te groei in die vermoë om ander te aanvaar, om mense te respekteer vir die plek waar hulle tans op hulle reis is. En om dieselfde vir myself te doen.
  • Ek hoop om iets te doen aan my DPhil.

As ek gewig verloor, sal dit bloot toevallig wees. As ek begin oefen, sal dit 'n wonderwerk wees.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dis nie meer die natuur wat roep nie

Vir Ruzelda:


Medium sized model with easy to handle waste holding tank and large capacity flushwater tank.

* Finish: white or grey
* Flush: manual
* Integrated pour-out-spout: yes
* Waste tank capacity: 12L
* Freshwater tank capacity: 15L

As jy die nuutste uitgawe van "Caravan and Outdoor Life" koop, kan jy die nuttige artikel "Choosing a portable toilet: how to choose the correct loo for you" lees.

Monday, January 01, 2007


* Mens kan sien die foto is arty, want dis swart en wit.